[ 2013-6-14 ]美國10大心臟科醫生-蘇健醫生

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畢業於美國耶魯大學的心臟專科 - . 蘇健醫生 Dr. Lee. A. Surkin (M.D),亦是美國哥倫比亞大學修讀人類營養學碩士高材生。


在心臟病臨床中,蘇健醫生先以人類之間互相關愛為目標對病人作全面詳盡評估後,而作出綜合性治療,和培育下一代接班人。 蘇健醫生強調心臟的補健必先要把可能構成風險的因素消除或作出改變,如健康飲食、適量運動、充足睡眠,再配合傳統藥物治療和補充營養健康食品才是最好的方法。




蘇健醫生在美國東北部卡羅萊納州Eastern North Carilina)建立了兩個中心,其中一間中心位於在美國心臟病發病率高企10年地域  -  美國東北部卡羅萊納州 這正是蘇健醫生選擇這個鄉區地方作為建立的主要原因,除此醫療中心也歡迎有需要人士到訪和研究。




此外,蘇健醫生也因應病人需要,配方出一系列優質有益心臟之健康食品,作保護心臟配方,如硫辛酸(Alpha Lipoc Acid) 配上 肉鹼(L-Carnitine)、五羥黃酮 (Quercetin) 配上 配葡萄籽素 (T-Resveratrol) 它們不特有助促進人的心臟健康,並能提升病人整體生活質素、加強心血管病治療成效及能減低病人在服用心血管病藥物後之副作用。






(. 蘇健醫生 Dr. Lee. A. Surkin (M.D)



Dr. Surkin is one of only 10 Board Certified Cardiologists and Sleep Physicians in the United States.


Dr. Surkin trained in cardiology at Yale University and also earned a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition from Columbia University. Dr. Surkin is also a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.


Throughout his many years as a cardiologist, Dr. Surkin has been bringing new and innovative approaches to treating his patients; he is concerned with health and prevention rather than just heart disease. In his cardiology practice he combines compassionate care, purposeful education, comprehensive evaluation and integrative therapies. Dr. Surkin knows that heart health can best be achieved by combining components of care that focus on risk factor modification, proper diet, exercise, healthy sleep, traditional medical treatment and nutritional supplements.


Dr. Surkin practices medicine with a focus on health and healing and also an emphasis on the core relationship between patient and doctor - partnership that helps patients become educated, empowered, proactive and responsible for their own health and wellness.


Dr. Surkin maintains two offices in Eastern North Carolina, an area with one of the highest concentrations of heart disease in the United States. He chose this location because of its great need for cardiac health care. His Practice has been established for over 10 years and he continues to find ways to expand the availability of medical services for the people of this rural area.


Because accurate diagnosis of cardiac disease is critical to effective treatment, Dr. Surkin brought a state-of-the-art nuclear Imaging camera to the people of Eastern North Carolina. This portable Imaging device serves not only Dr. Surkin's patients, but is also available to other practitioners who want to offer the convenience of advanced diagnostic testing within their offices.


In response to his patients' needs, Dr. Surkin researched and developed his own line of high quality cardiac supplements known as WELLCOR. He developed these products for people who want to enhance their cardiovascular health and improve their overall sense of wellness, support cardiovascular treatment and reduce certain side effects from medication.


Dr. Surkin is also an author who writes health columns in an effort to help educate individuals about the best ways to maximize heart health.